Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just a small rant

So there is an entity called the CUWCC, thats the California Urban Water Conservation Council. There is also this entity called MWD, Metropolitan Water District. Under MWD there are 23 member agencies. MWD buys water from a few different sources (state water project, colorado river, etc) and the 23 member agencies (in Southern California) purchase about 80% of their water from MWD. Every two years, all 23 member agencies and MWD must report BMPs, Best Management Practices to the CUWCC. With me so far? :) There are at last count about 14 BMPs that the 23 member agencies have to follow. These are guidelines set up by the CUWCC to make sure that the member agencies have programs and plans in place to conserve water. Rebate programs, education programs, programs to fix leaks, etc. There is new legislation going through Congress because of the Governors call to arms on the 'drought'. It pains me, to have to say that at last count, 22 out of the 23 member agencies are signing on to a piece of legislation with sweetheart loopholes in them which essentially tricks the environmental lobby by making it appear that they are conserving water when in reality they aren't. 1 of the member agencies came up with a simple plan that would work to truly conserve water. Because the remaining 22 didn't like it - they called a SECRET MEETING to word the legislation to make it that the 1 agency wouldn't be in compliance. Because they wanted to actually save water. Because they think that this water situation won't be fixed by a rainy season. Its a new way of life. The sooner we embrace that the sooner life will be easier. Instead these people don't care enough about our future to make an effort now. Reason 493928 that its important now more than ever to get involved!!!!

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