Friday, February 6, 2009

EcoLink Letter re the Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Swap

Below is the letter that EcoLink sent to the Mayor and City Council about the new Land Swap. This whole deal is exciting and we are enthused to see it progress intelligently and inclusively!

February 2, 2009

Re: Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Swap 2.0

Dear Mayor Foster and Long Beach City Council members:

We appreciate City staff and elected representatives for the hard and creative work of negotiating complex environmental and real estate issues involved in the Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Swap. In these difficult economic times, it is exciting to see pro-activity with such important ramifications for our bio-region. Preserving these vital wetlands furthers the City’s commitment to our environmental health.

While we applaud the conservation, restoration and recreation of our wetlands, it would be irresponsible of us as stakeholders and invested community members to allow this deal to proceed without review and comment. The long-term consequences of this proposal require an open and honest airing of interests and concerns.

Questions which need to be explored include:
1. What is the motivation behind negotiating this deal in sections -- splitting the Los Cerritos Wetlands complex?
2. Why can’t the City retain the mineral rights and fully own the land?
3. If the current landowner does end up with the mineral rights, wouldn’t it be appropriate for them to accept responsibility for the hazmat cleanup after the oil is gone?
4. What is the City’s plan for this property after acquisition? Is it being acquired for eventual transfer to the Los Cerritos Wetland Authority, and are there plans for using the land for easing traffic congestion on 2ndSt?
5. What are the limits of the Coastal Commission’s power to curtail development on this property, due to its high probability of being classified as a wetland?
6. Has there been provision made to reserve a portion of the S. F. Yard as an easement to continue the L.A. River corridor for recreation and for wildlife?

Please consider providing a venue for community dialogue much like the constructive recent Breakwater workshops ably moderated by Councilman Patrick O’Donnell. We would be glad to assist in this effort.
C. R. Ward, Chair

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