Friday, June 6, 2008

Introducing myself

My name is Taylor Parker and I am going to be posting on this site in regards to wetlands. I suppose I was asked to talk about wetlands because, well, I love them and I spend a lot of time engaged with the study of them. It is a habitat type that is by its very essence dynamic, constantly changing through tidal influence and other abiotic impacts, not to mention the fluctuation of the myriad biological components. I have found the exciting truth that there is always something new to discover while exploring nature and wetlands have focused my interest. Specifically, the Los Cerritos Wetlands have facilitated this as it was, and continues to be, my classroom. I have relished the many experiences that this site has given; a special awe develops during each hike, kayak or boat trip where I am impressed and inspired by my surroundings. Every time I feel like I understand the complexity I find there is something I haven’t seen before and, every time, I am humbled and end up walking away in respectful perplexity.

So this is what I hope to share through the venue that EcoLink has created: a sense of respect and wonder for these incredible areas. From that I would like to present what I have learned, questions I have and issues concerning wetlands in the area and beyond. I am a plant person first and foremost– they baffle me— and was drawn to nature through plants, so bear with me if my preeminent discussion topic becomes floral rather than anything else. But you cannot talk about wetlands without talking about the unique plants that inhabit them and I would like to showcase the natural history of a new plant each month.

Other than this rough outline and jumping off point, I have no idea what I am going to cover other than wetlands. If you are reading this then you too are concerned with these areas somehow, so please contribute your thoughts as well and help me make this a discussion. I am looking forward to this opportunity and to see what comes out of it but most of all it will force me to go into Los Cerritos more to make sure I am utterly perplexed enough to talk about it.



1 comment:

Chipko Courtney said...

Hello Taylor! I think I speak for everyone when I say, I'm looking forward to your posts!!! (with pics? :) )