Thursday, September 18, 2008

So FLOW, For the Love of Water seems like a good documentary. Not one I'd go see if I wanted to be uplifted or feel warm and fuzzy but something that may actually be WORTH my 11.50. It plays in selected theaters on the 19th - which is ofcourse, international talk like a pirate day. Essentially it is about the privatization of water and how the wars will be held over water not religion, energy, etc. I think it is in the mainstream of the population's consciousness WATER. I think they get the point that its precious, that we are running out of it. I can only assume they don't care enough to stop wasting it. It may be harsh but prove me wrong. After I watch the doc I'll give a full report. So my avid reader will know how it is. Yes, I meant reader. Singular. :)

And remember, as fun as showering with a friend may be... it doesn't actually save water.

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