Sunday, May 18, 2008

LaGran Limpieza (LA River Cleanup) - Golden Shore Marine Reserve

I had the honor of attending the LA River Cleanup at Golden Shore for the 3rd year in a row on Saturday - May 17, 2008. It was incredible this year! This was the largest turnout of volunteers that I've ever seen, most of whom were students from at least 4 schools (Jordan High School, Lakewood High School, Southgate Elementary School and Franklin Middle School "Best Buddies" club). They came by the busload, by car and by foot to help out. About 100 people were there instead of the usual 50 or so. Even Vice-Mayor Bonnie Lowenthal found time to come by and give her support. A trio of talented musicians, Babylon Blues, provided lively Blues music while cleaning up the ecosystem.

In addition, volunteers were treated with an unusual show before beginning the cleanup - visits from some very special guests: a flock of Pelicans (at least 10), 3 ducks, several terns and 1 snowy egret, chasing all of them off from her territory. It was a great photo opportunity for those with zoom lenses.

The site organizers of the event were David Sandstrom and Lenny Arkenstall. The Nature Center and La Gran Limpieza volunteers put together some wonderful informational exhibits, and gave away T-shirts, cloth eco-friendly bags, water and snacks to participants. They have all outdone themselves, once again! Visit the website at

Friday, May 16, 2008

Hello EcoLink enthusiasts!

Just wanted to introduce myself as one of the Bloggers of EcoLink. Very excited to be here. I'm a student and work with LB Water and will be focusing my blogs in that respect. I want to encourage any readers who have specific questions to send them my way. I may not know the answer right away but I'll find out for you! At Cal State (go 49ers) the Environmental Science and Policy students are required to take a 'project' section. Every semester they focus on the Los Cerritos Wetlands. I've embedded a video they made. Visit their project at Have a great day everyone.

Remember to turn off your water while you brush your teeth!!! But please do not discount brushing all together in an effort to save water. :)


The Wetlands Video from Michelle Lee on Vimeo.